James Spencer
Trumpet Master
 Call me: 913-915-8734
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About James Spencer
My name is Jim Spencer and for over forty years I have been teaching private trumpet lessons in Overland Park, Kansas,

My studio usually has between 45 and 55 students. A great many of these students go on to District and State Honors Band and to the Kansas City Youth Symphony and the Kansas City Youth Jazz Band.

At the current time I have a few openings for trumpet students who want to become better players.

I have a B.M.E. and M.M.E. and have done Doctorate work at UMKC. I have taught at UMKC, Johnson County Community College, St. Mary College, and the Toon Shop in Prairie Village, Kansas.  I have played trumpet over the years with:

Kansas City Philharmonic
Kansas City Lyric Opera
Kansas City Brass Quintet
Levee Dixieland Band
Worlds of Fun Tivoli Orchestra
Kansas City Chiefs Band
Kansas City Kings Band
Starlight Theater Orchestra
Brookside Brass Quintet
Tony Di Pardo Orchestra
Midland Theater Orchestra
Many, many more…

I have played trumpet in orchestras with Bob Hope, Jack Jones, Bobby Vinton, Mel Torme, Louis Bellson, Mitzi Gaynor, Rich Little, George Burns, The Temptations, The Four Tops, The Supremes, and many others.

I am a past member of the International Trumpet Guild and the American Federation of Musicians Local 34-627.

​Tuition is $80.00 per month ($20.00 per lesson)

If you want or need private lessons, contact me on my studio phone 913-915-8734.